These statistics are currently broken due to hardware failure. Sorry.

FreeBSD Update usage statistics

The following graphs show the total number of machines successfully running FreeBSD Update each day for each version of FreeBSD for which updates are provided, the number of machines running FreeBSD Update from a crontab each day for each version of FreeBSD for which updates are provided (measured as "IP addresses which run FreeBSD Update at the same time (to within an hour) on two consecutive days"), and the number of machines which download patches (ie, were out of date prior to running FreeBSD Update).

Dynamic IP addresses and proxies make these values somewhat inaccurate, but the net result is probably that the actual numbers are slighly above what is shown.

These graphs are generated by running the raw access log for through a perl script to extract the daily values, using MetaPost to draw the graphs, and converting them to png format with peps.